M. Evermore

From Consequences, a Question

Once upon a time,

A girl stood alone

A crown upon her head,

As she sat upon her throne

Princess to queen

Girl to womanhood

Innocence tainted

By blood and tears

Of war

What is the use of fighting,

If all it does is hurt?

What is the use of wars,

If no one truly triumphs?

We bear the scars of sins,

And of our ancestors

From battles long ago,

When rulers fought

And forced their pawns

To slay innocents

In the misconception

Of hope

Loyal warriors

Forced to kill

Loyal soldiers

All in the name of their nation

Pride in their kingdom,

Pride in themselves

But when the war is past gone,

They will still live it,

In waking nightmares

Dreams no longer just dreams

So, is it worth it?

We wonder, right before we enter

And we never have a chance

To answer