

My love is reckless...

My beliefs abandoned...

My intuition childish...

My good concealed by what\'s cruel...

My innocence as fleeting as my childhood...

My worship of hero\'s crushed...

Why am I so tragic?

You see...

All that you did...

All that you took...

All of me that you could never love...

Allowed me to hear every cell door that has ever closed...

See every face that I damaged so gleefully...

See every scar that I self-inflicted joyfully...

Then I heard a preacher tell me it wasn\'t my fault...

It wasn\'t yours...

We are broken, we are sinners...

Yet are forgiven...

He said Jesus forgave me, and I am free of you...

And now I forgive you...

I\'ll love like I was born too now...

A child of God, not yours...I\'ve let you go, please release me?

Our peace is forever beyond reach, until we leave with peace in our hearts...

Go that way, seek Him, and maybe you\'ll stop hurting, that hurt that tells you to hurt others...

I\'m done...so tired of the sorrow...of your vacant eyes...

He told me we are born again, when we want to be...

Today is my birthday now, and guess what?

I smiled this morning, because my new Father loves me...

Maybe one day, you will to.