
The Journey Through Life

When born our hearts are open.
The emotions are vulnerable.
Our souls full of so much trust.
Our face expressing smiles that heal.
Smiles that melt the iciest of hearts.
Our eyes dart around the large room.
They can never see enough at once.
Our wobbly legs striving for independence.
Every year adds a whole new understanding.
Every year expands our need for independence.
Every year expands a list of what is right.
Every year expands a list of what is wrong.
We learn not just through words but example.
Sometimes what we are taught at home contradicts,
what we see through outside examples.
Many times others ignore the outside examples because
their parent/parents have kept them alive this long.
Others accept the outside examples because there is
peace and love in the environment unlike their home.
Others find chaos in deciding what side they fall on,
especially when there is so much confusion and complications.
So they run away as far as they can from both to soul search
in new places.
They search for understanding in new faces and added context
in fresh environments.
They grow older searching for some place that can help them
understand what example will guide them to the identity they wish to follow.
Were my parents wrong and the outside examples right?
Were the outside examples wrong and my parents always right?
Is breathing today all that life will ever offer me?
These questions follow them from place to place until one day with wisdom from life experience and learning to trust their intuition they see the larger picture of life.
They find acceptance in the path they chose because despite what they thought in youth they were on the right path meant for them all along.
They find acceptance and gratitude for what it brought them.
They find love for the identity they grew into.
Now despite some regrets they still found their peace and understand the lessons they needed to learn.