Paul Bell

Chelsea\'s Playing Away

The benefits of Mary, would vary
Unlike June, ended at noon
Chelsea played away
So did May
Holly turned to folly
With Molly wanting lolly
Sandy was always randy
Just no satisfying Mandy
Ann says she can
But Gwen needs a plan
Jo is good to go
Teri doesn’t know
Daisy says it’s not working out
May,  I’m never about
Mary, who the hell is Mandy
God, Molly’s talking to Holly
Chelsea’s playing away
Be with her May
Oh, Sandy! Not today
Mandy’s on the way
Jo, could you go
Gwen\'s found a plan
Involving Teri
Who’s talking to Ann
Mary and June
In the afternoon
Chelsea’s playing away
Where will it end
Daisy, I love you so
Oh no, make them go
Who’s at the door
Mary and June, Holly and Molly
Oh, golly
Sandy and Mandy, Ann and Gwen
God, amen
Teri and Jo
Please not Daisy
It’s all going hazy
We’ve just got one thing to say
What’s that
Chelsea\'s playing away.