
Miss. Lock Memories

Miss. Lock Memories 


Don’t ask me what year it was

I just can’t recall it

but I do remember her name ..

Oh’ yes, and those legs of course

and the liberty-cap hairstyle

she wore all through term time

which someone

once told me was cut, by a fella

they all for some reason

or other, called Vidal Sassoon ..

Although, to be fair

if I am totally honest, I also recall

the length of her skirts,

that were in fact, no length at all ..

Yes, those were

the main things I most clearly

remember about dear Miss Lock,

my first love

and primary school teacher ..

Who by the way,

taught me my alphabet, and then

later to read ..

Indeed, on her birthday I once

wrote her a poem

and she did thank me with a blush

plus a kiss on the cheek ..

And boy, did I come over all funny

and never washed

the whole of my face for a week ..

But of course,

that was years back and how things

have changed ..

Some say I am older and wiser maybe

I still feel a kid tho

and my knees invariably go weak ..

When I think of

Miss Lock and that kiss on the cheek ..