Tune: Binchester
(\'Happy are they, they that love God\')
John 10 v.13-18
I am the good shepherd, Christ said
The sheep\'s pastures I tread
And I know them, and they know me
They from my voice not flee
But false prophets and hirelings
They deceit, falsehood bring
But as the Father, he knows me
So I do know Him, see
And I lay down my life for sheep
To the end faithful keep
Them, and other sheep I must bring
To the fold\'s safe keeping
And here shall be one fold, and one
Shepherd, it shall be done
Therefore does my Father love me
To His will I agree
He loves me, because I down lay
My life at Calvary\'s day
I lay it down that it I might
Take again, so \'tis right
No man takes my life from me for
I have power for sure
To lay it down, take it again
Purpose to save all men* (*mankind)
This commandment have I received
From my Father, believed
That it is His good will that I
Shall rise after I die