kitty the naughty poet

The first time

The smile in his eyes sparkle with the deviant

thoughts that whizz around his mind,

like cars on a racetrack going round in circles.

the curl of his lips catapults her back to the day they first met,

outside the college after English class,

a warms autumns day... way back when...

They lay on the dewy green grass at the park.

talking for hours about nothing.

curled up in each others arms and stealing kisses in the dark.

she remembers with perfect clarity his hands

kneading her flesh under the cloud of trees,
and deviant conversations on the phone.

Only the lines on his face revealed the time that had passed since.

a decade with this man she loved

still wasn\'t enough for her.

as they lay upon the now dry grass,

curled up in each others arms.

under the same cloud of trees

heavy petting in the moonlight stream.