
Simplicity Serenity

Tune: Old Hundredth

(\'All people that on earth do dwell\')

Psalm 131


Here meditate a while, and sense

The Lord God, His peaceful presence

Come to Him in simplicity

As [King] David let this your prayer be


Lord, my heart it not haughty be

It not proud nor conceited, see

Nor my eyes lofty looking down

On others, no condemning frown


Nor have I myself here concerned

With great matters or highly-learned

Not caught up in profundities

Nor things of great difficulties


Surely I have behaved and calmed

Myself received your comforts balm

Have quieted myself as a child

That is weaned of its mother mild


Thus is my soul, it not complex

With great problems, I not it vex

But hope in you, Lord, as all may

Do so henceforth and for always