
Five Limericks

There once was a young man called Ted

Who believed he had years before dead

But he caught a bad cold

Long before he was old

And died all alone in his bed


There once was a young man called Mike

Who went for a ride on his bike

But he punctured a tyre

On a strip of barbed wire

 And decided in future he’d hike


There was a young lady called Fanny

Whose was left a large sum by her Granny

 But she was such  a dunce

 For she spent it at once

And regretted she’d not been more canny


There once was a man known as Justin

Who grew tired of his cleaning  and dustin’

So feeling quite stressed

He sat down for a rest

And indulged in a glass of pink gin


There once was a pervert named Chester

Who despite protestations he’d pester

To every lady in sight

He thought it his right

To say “how d’you do” then molest her