Stepping Stones

Stepping stones

Sometimes I stumble, and I ask myself why

Choose this rock or that? Is the footing secure? 

I fall in the river,  my pants are all wet

I despair at my misfortune, as I reach to the shore

I lay my pants out on a rock, so to dry

As I bask in the sun and I look to the sky

Looking for answers,  that I hope I would get.

There in the clouds as they formed, I could see. With each step that I take, its a path just for me.

I could not have gotten here, without what came before. To bask in this sun that I so much adore.

The decisions we make, and the path that we take are unique to ourselves and they build or they break. So plant your own flag, and claim your own stake. Be proud of yourself and the life that you make. Be your true self, not just one more fake.
