
The inspiration of my higher soul

In my ears, prudence screams aloud

How would it be possible to date?

When she doesn\'t listen to her heart

how can she be your mate?


And then thought grows louder

spreading a cloud of sad reality,

injecting  a tinge into my heart

and accusing me of stupidity.


All that makes me resign

to the common sense\'s design.

A dream that was so fine,

a blessing from the sublime.


Sometimes I get overwhelmed,

but then a thought makes me recall,

the inspiration of my higher soul,

and a dream that is not small.


Wise men say awake, arise

and do not stop before the goal.

In the first place, what is mine to lose

Just follow the inspiration of the soul.


As long as I have air to breathe

water to drink and eat to survive.

I want to be a partner in creation,

not a prisoner thankful to be alive.


So, I continue to strive upbeat

my inspiration is going to lead.

I am following a path of love

because love is my creed.