
Red was his favourite colour

Red was your favourite colour

Which is why I didnt mind 

When you asked me to cut myself open for you

Red was your favourite colour

Not the green of my eyes

Or my blonde locks i dyed brown for you 

You didnt like the pink shade my cheeks turned when looking at you

You were much more interested in red

The red that poured from my wrists 

My thighs

My stomach

The shade of red my eyes turned after you made me cry for hours on end

You loved.


You didnt like my blue bedsheets that since you have been change to white

Or the pink walls my room was, which have now been painted brown

But you enjoyed the red that my face turned after screaming at you to stop

But its only now

That i realized 

I was okay with it

Simply because, 

If red was your favourite colour,

And i was able to give you red, 

It might’ve meant that in a way

I was your favourite too