Saxon Crow

Dawn Chorus

The dawn chorus reaches its crescendo

As the sun rises slowly, gently and with purpose

The trees and plants wake from dreams of acorns and seeds

Secure in the knowledge their roots run deep

The distant hum of early morning traffic

Somehow feels part of nature\'s plan

As I breathe in the sweet smell of mother earth\'s bounty

Are we still connected?

The freshness of the springtime new

Invigorates and stirs my soul

I feel content, at peace

And I wonder at the sheer 

Magnificence of it all

In awe of the life around me

If only I were always this humble

But my kind of life goes on

Bills need to be paid,

Jobs need to be worked

These civilised distractions

Shallow in comparison

Take a hold of the mind

And yet, all I have to do

Is to look out of any window

And I\'m singing with the dawn chorus