

Oh no, dear, we have still not died

We just have obeyed the order to hide

There’s still so much more life in us

Yes, we can all still scream and cuss


We may seem very sweet and old

But oh, we too have been bold

If you scratch beneath the surface

You will find the real gold


Our lives were never, ever, dull

And now, they have been put on hold

This phase, you see, shall soon now pass

By experts galore, I have been told


We all are now well past our prime

But please don’t just now write us off

We still think that there is time

So please do not just taunt or scoff


Yes we shall live, and we shall fight

And teach the youth what’s wrong and right;

For now again, my dear reader

Will be reborn, the ancient leader


Viruses may come, but they will go

So let’s just live a day at a time

Let positivity from us, now flow

For negativity is surely a crime


We shall soon meet old friends

And again follow the latest trends

For Seenagers like us will always give

Inspiration on how to live, and let live.