
The World Lived in Peace

Once upon a time
The world lived in peace
All until 1933

A man came along
And rose he did
His name was Adolf
His opposition he rid

Took over the country
And demanded change
This troubled leaders
Who feared war again

Eventually it happened
The war began
Peace had ended
And so had man

He took over the Poles,
Took over the French,
It gave the Brits the chance to entrench

Fight bravely they shall,
Fight bravely they did
Hitler was furious
They just bombed Berlin

Lives were halted,
Buildings reduced to rubble,
British civilians in bunkers embraced for a huddle

The Luftwaffe had failed
The RAF had won
Goring was stunned
Sea lion was postponed

To the east, they looked
And Stalin was shook
As 2 million Germans manned the front

Advance they did,
In they went charging
If not for winter,
Moscow would have fallen

After the winter,
The soviets pushed back,
Forcing the Germans to halt their attack

Their might was too strong
Everything was going wrong
Meanwhile the west began operation overlord

Their allies were gone
Capitulated they had
Now all was left
Was the revenge of Stalingrad

The west advanced fast
But the soviets were quicker
Berlin they entered
As Hitler pulled the trigger

One week later
On the 7th of May
Germany surrendered
Marking victory in Europe day.