M. Evermore

And So I Dream

I come here in my dreams

You see, life is far too boring

At least for me

And so I slip away

When I can

When no one notices

To be somewhere that 

delights me

And so I dream

Of flowers that grow to be ten-feet-tall

Of trees that speak and can twist and turn

Of storms you can conquer

Of fires birthed from temper

Of creatures that will guide

Of dragons that may fly

Of sirens that will sing

Of ruined worlds that desire

Of perfect worlds that need to shatter

Of magic and mayhem and mischief

Of wars that are fought with honor

Of peace that is so very tranquil

Of oceans that will part

Of forests that will move

Of gods that will bring ruination

Or redemption

Of martyrs, of sinners

Of those that simply care not

And of those that dream as I do

Of those that dream to live

Or of those that dream of death

We all belong in these dreams

For better or for worse

I know I do

And so I dream…