kitty the naughty poet

Nobody\'s perfect

\"you\'re perfect...\"

he whispered as he took her earlobe between his teeth... nibbling softly

she smiled with ruby lips as she replied in a fluttery breath...

\"nobody\'s perfect my darling... but I know deep within my essence that you are perfect for me.\"

pulling away from him she stood and placed her hands on her hips

before breathlessly whispering...

\"the way you make my hips sway to your rhythm.\"

slowly she skated her hands up to her bosom...

\"your way of making my chest heave to your beat.\"

she leaned down over him. her lips inches from his...

her hands fingering his beard...

\"you are mesmerising.\"

his whisper crept through the strands of her crimson hair.

as his hands reached for her flushed cheeks

and he kissed her plump ruby lips with a sexual passionate heat.