
The Reevaluation Of The Same Great Commission: Part 1

As the Lord said in so many words; that we must go out into the world, and make disciples of all people; that was the great commissioning.

We are to go out amongst sinners, and make Christ\'s disciples out of them. That is our responsibility as Christians. Right now I am speaking particularly to Christians in general. I acknowledge the fact that we spread the Gospel. Still, here is my problem. Rather than going out into the world, we often find ourselves staying attached to the comforts of our own securities. Not that there is anything wrong with that. ... to a certain extent. We must be with our brothers and sisters, and we must remain in the church. Still, what is the point of spreading the Gospel to people who already know the Gospel.

We must remember the Great Commissioning, and reevaluate it\'s purpose. It\'s purpose did not change. It is the same as it was two-thousand years ago. We must go out into the world, the wicked world, and preach the word of God. We must represent Christ amongst others. Just as a diplomat goes to another country, we must be ambassadors for Christ, and represent our Lord and Savior. Our culture must be the Gospel.