

The blessed hand

Is it magic

Does it defy quantum physics

What a luminous aura around it

Is it the hand of a saint

Is it the hand of a Sufi

The mere touch of it

Rains down mercy

When that hand blessed my head

It appeared as if I was drowned in the sea of calmness

A sense of peace descended on me

Every muscle in my body was relaxed

Every cell in my body was rejuvenated

There was something magical about it

There was something other worldly about it

That sense of peace I felt twenty years a go

That Divine touch I miss every day

It was the hand of my mother

Chandbibi Faroqui

In the quietness of my house

In the stillness of the night

I yet feel that hand on my head

As I reach out to touch the Divine feet

( Dr Fazal Faroqui)



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