
A letter to the toxic friend

Dear /

First of all

You are the single most toxic person that I know 

Every single sign 

You have all of them.

“And therein lies the issue

Friends do try to trick you

Get you on the phone and mind twist you.”

Taylor Swift even says that your a bad friend

You wanna know what else friends don’t do?



Talk trash to you.

Talk trash about you.

In front of you,

Behind your back.

Make you feel like your less than worthy of life.

None of those. 

Friends don’t do that.

They don’t text you just to let you know,

How horrible they think you are.

Because I know I\'m not who you say I am.

And your words don\'t define me.

I can love myself.

I can be myself.

I can care about myself.

And even though I know you want me to have none of those things,

Because you can think that in your own twisted way.

I can feel good about myself.

But I can’t feel good about myself with you.

I want you out of my sight,

Out of my mind,

And out of my life.

I\'ve given you all of the say,

The power,

And the control over me my entire life.

And now I know that those were never yours to take in the first place.

/, you are the injury that\'s been holding me back,

The cancer that\'s been slowly killing me,

The leech taking my blood.


Injuries will heal

Cancer has a cure,

And leeches can be ripped off.

So please,

/, go back to your pond

And feed on someone else.

Because this girl

Has had enough.