Natalia B. Odair

The Woman at Dollar General

Yesterday I went into Dollar General

for a soda

When I entered 

the cashier was very pretty. 

I\'m straight but I think 

it\'s important that women acknowledge 

and compliment each other. 

But I was in a rush 

so I just smiled 

ran to the back

to grab my Coke. 

As I was walking out the door

after she checked my items out 

The woman turned to me

even though there was another customer

and she said

\"You\'re really pretty, you know that?\" 

I was shocked

my heart flew to the sky

and I returned her compliment

as I walked back out to the car

I thought

what a better place the world would be

if we all took three seconds

to turn to the person beside us

and tell them they\'re pretty

we women need to stick together

remind each other of our beauty 

so that when we\'re feeling low 

our comrade

brings us back up

though they don\'t know our name.