

I grew up on fairytales.
Read countless stories dedicated to daring heroes.
Their adventures, were my inspiration.
For these heroes taught me about the world,
About the power of love and loyalty
And the triumph of goodness above all.
Like a fool, or a child, I believed in their words,
And hoped that one day my life would be the same.

The years passed and while my love for these stories remained,
My belief would wither and fade.
For I have come to learn that life does not allow for the pleasure of love,
And loyalty never lasts.
How could it,
When we live in a world where heroes are made to hurt while villains are respected.

I loved and continue to love these false fantasies
For in my youth, they allowed me to witness the wonder in reality.
Helped me to build castles in the clouds and craft characters from imagery.
Now, they allow for an escape.
For life is no fairytale, regardless of how much I wish it could be.