
The Mouse In The House


The mouse in the house

He\'s very smart

We can\'t catch him

From the very start


When I first saw him

I became like jelly

My whole body shook

I felt so wobbly


He ate the cheese

We put in the trap

With grateful thanks

He dropped his crap!


We put good stew

Used Aussie beef

But still we couldn\'t

Catch that sneaky thief


Maybe we should

Switch to a sticky pad

That might make him

Really super mad


I hope the food

Will trap that \'rat\'

If not he\'ll become

Too big for the cat!

  * * * * * * * * * *


Eeek! I saw a mouse running behind the TV cupboard recently. But so far have not been able to get him. Maybe I should borrow the neighbour\'s Fat Cat Wally. But Wally\'s got such a disdainful supercilious look.