
I Loved You Till I Didn\'t

I loved you,

It\'s true I did!

I loved your laughter

It was my best---- and worst medicine


I loved your eyes 

And how they spoke 

When you choked

On smoky words shoved down your throat


I loved your touch 

Gentle and soft 

Rough hands from working aloft,

And I loved, I loved 


The way you said my name,

As if spoken in a cursive tongue 

That I just couldn\'t name,

A hint of laughter in those dark dark eyes 


A hint of sadness too

That I couldn\'t describe,

You reminded me of a daisy 

Innocent and pure 


But does that mean I was the belladonna?

Perhaps a fern,

Pointy and poisonous

A bane on this Earth,


And I know I said I loved you

And I mean it, I did,

I will love you till the Earth stops spinning

And spins again


But sometimes upon this spinning

Earth, I need to choose

To love me first,


So I\'ll love you,

Like a book,

Stuffed on the shelf,

Forgotten upon the memories I held:


I\'ll love you quietly

Till my heart settles down,

I\'ll love not you 

But the memory upon the shelf.