

The aura of loveliness and poise that she had

Quickened the beats of my heart

And made me glad


It was an acknowledged fact

 that she was pretty

that she had real tact

and also was witty


restraining a sigh

I looked once again

I wanted to cry

And discard all the pain

But yet I was happy and very proud too

As I had to her, been kind, and so true

And when she looked at me, with a glance that held joy

My heart almost burst with a similar kind of joy


Her mother had died

When she was young

And she to me

For solace had clung


I had bestowed on her affection and love

Taught her to be as pure as the dove

Had often wiped out the frown from her brow.


Her success and failure concerned me too

I did all that was in my power to do

I cried when she cried

And sat by her side

And consoled her till

All the tears had dried –

Now my only wish

Was to see her as a bride


When she got married

I did not know what to do

The fruit was bitter sweet

When she bid adieu


How can a father not

Grieve for his child

His one and only daughter

Who laughed when he smiled


And yet how can he

Be selfish, and be sad

When she sets on a new life

And is rosy and so glad

When she’s all of a sudden coy, and so very sky

What can he do, except just try

To accept the fact, and brighten  his face

And not at all show, of recent tears, a trace


When I look again I blink

For what I mistake to be stars in the skies

Are the stars that twinkled in her doe-like eyes


So blessing her, I turn

With a heavy heart of course

And try not to be, gloomy or morose


My child, may you be

Blessed with happiness

May your husband

Over you always fuss

May you fulfill his wishes

And be a model wife

May my blessings remain with you

All through your life