
A Puzzle for a Brain

There\'s different pathways

Inside your brain,

They move and transition

Based on what you do or play,


And I know mine are different

They move a certain way

They\'re more like a giant puzzle 

Than any one person\'s brain,


There\'s no A to B

Or a straight and narrow road,

I don\'t have one single focus 

I have dozens of tabs that won\'t open or close,


And it\'s difficult to talk

When I think a certain way

My words stumble and stutter

More than I do or say,


And no one seems too understand

This too fast for life pace,

So I struggle along this track,

Tell me, how do I get the pathways back 


Where they go,

So I can think and talk 

And understand, everything

I can grab 


So my teachers and peers

Don\'t stand there with pink ears 

And listen to bleeding words 

And pencil against skin 


So they don\'t have to stand there and grin 

At my too fast pace,

So I can talk and punctuate space,

My thoughts untangled wires


Or phone cords,

And I know I can think outside the box

But how is it good 

When I can barely connect the dots?


Instead I jump from one point to the other

If I can\'t think, my words can smother

At least I can do one or the other.