
Chugging Along


Chug, chug, chug

I sit by the window

In awe of the sight

Above me and below


The sky\'s so blue

Not a bird in sight

The fields are green

With flashes of bright


Flowers in red

And white and yellow

What\'s that in the air?

Oh the arm of a scarecrow


It seems to wave

As the train chugs past

Then a drop of rain

I hope it won\'t last


The drops fall quickly

The sky\'s gone all grey

A breeze coming in

The weather of May


Ah the sun\'s peeping out

I see birds high above

What\'s that noise I now hear?

\"Your ticket please, love\".

       * * * * * * * * * *


I remember many years back as a student I had to spend a few days in a small rural hospital as part of my training. I went by train.

There have been some poems about trains by MPS poets lately and I recall my own brief experience.