
Dracula and his virgin bride


Dracula and his virgin bride

Vlad Dracula is walking through the streets,

killing women, killing kids.

People are screaming, childern are crying,

everyone is fighting for surviving.

He eats their hearts and drinks their blood,

it is his art to make a place full of red mud.


He walks by some prostitutes,

he can not love them, they have bad attitudes.

Vlad Dracula is looking for a girl that is virgin,

he wants to marry it is urgent.

After 5 hours of search, he is shocked and sad,

all girls are already fucked or fat.


He sits down under the bridge and  can not believe,

\" Where i was born, where i live.\"

At that moment i was in Romania too

when i saw him dying, i did not know what to do.

Because of tears his whole face was blue.


I told him that he was sleeping for over 500 years and it is normal that things change.

Sex before marriage is no longer strange.

I recommended him to apply for asylum in Turkey, he should not give up his hope.

But before he needs to wash his face with  soap.

When he heard that his destiny is in the hands of his enemy,

he prefered the death , he felt helplessly. 


Written by Gjoshe Pocev