

 Come centuries ago, our words were worthy

It held life and accompany respect

Then, poets were like rockstars like we stan BTS

widely celebrated for their insight

and graceful way with words.

But now, poetry is dying and poets are engraved. 


Those times when accolades were earned

In retrospect to our beloved poems 

but all that was a matter of time

and all that was earned was soon lost 

like they were never ours to begin with

because poetry is already dying

so poets are engraved. 


Modernism has reaved us of Victorianism

it robbed us of The voice and Neutral tones 

and a bit of Satire of circumstances

Tell me, why shouldn\'t poet then be engraved?

If all of these were chipped away.

poetry is indeed dying!


Rumi may have arrived in eternal love

but poets weep for his dying words

Spenser, Hopkins, Hardy, Dickens

All of these are now only but names

because their words are now dead.


Poetry is dead. 

Poet are bereaved.