a thousand wishes

My amygdala

(FOR CONTEXT: An amygdala is a  neural system for processing fearful and threatening stimuli, so basically the fear organ) 

My amygdala gives me superpowers. 

It has the capacity to hold everything On the earth, 

Like a giant Tupperware.  


In my amygdala, there are dogs, cats, rats, and mice 

Ants, bees, wasps, and lice. 

In my amygdala, somewhere underneath the surface, 

There is a fear of losing the people that I love that I\'ve

shoved down so deep, it\'s like it was never there 


My amygdala is overflowing and  

working its way to my heart. 

My amygdala thinks my heart is dangerous 

and needs to be locked away. 

Yet, there´s no room for my heart,  


My amygdala doesn´t have the capacity to hold everything. 

My amygdala was not meant to hold everything,  

especially not my heart. 

There´s no room in my heart for my amygdala either,  

There´s no room for that fear anywhere 

Love isn´t meant to be feared, 

Instead, it should be revered; 

, held close instead of pushing it away. 


My amygdala has more space now, my amygdala knows better.   

My amygdala has let things go and my heart has let things in.  

There is no more weight, 

my heart is no longer heavy. 

My heart is as big as ever, feeling good, and beating steady.