
A Divine Design



1. Genesis


Before the beginning

Primordial soup a dimension of all possibilities

A movement occurred within

     A stirring


An awakening to sound

Vibrating chords of information

Waves of consciousness

Underlying all manifestation



Rainbow bands of light

Seen and unseen

The primordial soup became conscious of itself and



This dimension of consciousness/love

The creators powerful extension

From cosmos to grain of sand

All unified in love

     The One








2. Genesis Continues


Conscious/love birthed from a desire

Of the all knowing, powerful ever-present



Life a unified consciousness

A vibrating chorus of frequencies

Sustaining the illusion of manifested worlds

     A dream


The world we see could never be

Without the presence of frequency

A wavelength changed

A new picture gained

     A fallacy


The seeming solidarity of life

A sensual delusion

An unreal masquerade

The truth of reality being












3. The Fall


Conscious/love the truth

Of all actors in the masquerade

In rocks it sleeps

In plants is awarke

In animals it feels

In man is aware



The creator\'s harmonic extension

Vibrating peace, joy and love

Optimum chords of unified resonance

Eternity in each moment



Man\'s gift of awareness

The highest frequency in this dimension

Brings great responsibility

Falling frequency at the summit

Causes lower level resonance resulting in disharmony

     Paradise Lost











4. The Fall Continues


In the mind of man a question

What if I became the creator?

All power would be mine

And instantly that thought

Manifested a world reality

Projected from an idea of separation from the truth

A lowering of man\'s consciousness/frequency resulted

     The Fall


This frequency drop caused distortion, discordance

Life became a nightmare

Fear infected man\'s mind

Fear of that done

Fear of what might be

Man\'s consciousness had birthed



Time and fear became the parents

Of dangerous distorted emotions

Guilt, anger, jealousy, avarice

These now the ruler of the world

Peace and love a long lost dream









5. The Return


Much time has passed since the fall

Man\'s memory lost of his true birthright

A false identity holds all the reins

Driven by fear and chaos

A delusion that capture men\'s soul

     The Ego


A monster born of man\'s desire

Fear champions all its goals

It runs amok in daily life

No peace, no joy a game of strife

The call to awaken has been sung

The call to rise up has now begun

     The Resurrection


Depression resulting from lowered consciousness

Gets little relief from bouts of happiness

Lasting joy to the heart is unknown

And the heart is where the return begins












6. The Return Continues


Every heartbeat holds the key

Fourth of seven energy centers in man\'s spine

The heart bridges the lower and upper three

Each emits a frequency that must arise

And the heart becomes the journey\'s guide

     To Truth and Home


A coherent heart is most profound

In elevated emotions the key is found

Compassion, forgiveness, love and joy

Extending these blessings to your world

Their echo returns to you tenfold

     The Gift


Commune with your heart breathe into it

Gift blessings of love, forgiveness and thanks

It holds wisdoms and treasures as yet unknown

Peak consciousness is finally reached

When man fulfills his creator\'s dream

     Heaven on Earth


High levels of intuition and awareness arise

The mind enters the unified field of consciousness

As heart and mind synchronize

Oneness with the divine
