Charles Edward York

Verses Green Refrain


Oh delicate breeze, so soft and invisible
How I long to hold you within
And exhale you as a string of sentiments
In violet syllables and velvet vowels
Falling on ears as scented petals
So every admirer is gently swayed
And every listener
Write their appreciation
As a reverberation of feeling
A dimlit room for reflection
And a beacon of light
For future, distant rememberance.

Oh sweet sage of wind and shower
Caress me with your subtlety
So I may inhale your grandest mystery
And wander again and again
Through the verdant forest of songs
Warmed by the ripples of stars
Cooled by the shade of night
And washed by the words 
You tenderize my years.
Write upon my viridescent heart
Truth, love and acceptance
Repeat verses green refrain in me.

Copyright © 2017 Charles Edward York
No part of this poem may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the author.*