Akanksha Pandey

Circle of ❤Love

My mother was my love when i was one, as she use to give that what all I want. My father was my love when I was five, as he use to give that what all I desire. My grandpa was my love when I was nine, as he use to hug whenever I cry. My love were my friends when I was twelve, as they use to hear that what all I share. 

And don\'t know \'Y\' THE LOVE become a shame when I was \'8teen\', as it is a trend to make it a gossip when we r free of \'teen\'.

My love become my husband when I was twenty three as he use to say, what I want to hear. 

My love become my children when I was twenty eight and I started to believe the game is \'OVER\' here, as I use to have, \'EVERYTHING\' what one uses to dream.

But a question \'WHO AM I\' was still missing? was still missing?? 

And here came a miracle ... \'The Circle of Love\'💞. My love become my mirror when I am thirty eight, as it uses to say love yourself, love yourself, love yourself and become a Billionaire.

Love is a circle which has no end and I am feeling blessed after starting loving even air.......even air.

