
Where Did She Go ?

Where did she go ?

That young girl who lit up the room

with a natural smile.

Eyes so bright and beautiful.


Where did she go ?

Did she slip away like a shadow in the night ?

Replaced by someone

her eyes seem to find unrecognizable.


Who is she now ?

Someone whose smile is a permanent frown.

Her eyes so heavy

Dark and sullen, so lifeless and fatigued.


Who is she now ?

Her thoughts are all over, no longer capable.

Troubled and joyless.

Unsure and afraid of who she has become.


Where can she be ?

The young one, full of hopes and dreams.

Can she bring back

the many yesterdays to find her happiness again.


Will I find her ?

The one whose eyes were bright and beautiful

So full of life.

I will find her and bring her back again.