Saxon Crow

Fate #2

The alarm does its job perfectly
As the ringing leaves no doubt that morning is here.
He opens sleep glued eyes
Reluctant to face what is actually real.
Wiping dream dust away,
He rises to face another same old same day,
A trudging defiance still smouldering
Inside his half beaten soul
Ever reminding him quietly
Life can go to hell.
After his shower and autonomous shave
He stares in the mirror
At a face that has aged
He walks along the echo filled hall
To the kitchen where he makes tea for one
Sitting in silence, the only sound
Is the apathetic crunching of toast,
Only one round
Then he looks to the clock
The giver and taker 
Places his cup and plate into the kitchen bowl
Puts coat, shoes and hat on
And he\'s ready to go
He opens the door and cynically breathes in the world
Gets into his car starts the engine which is always cold,
And then puts his seat belt on just for appearance
Driving to work not a word yet spoken
A vow of silence not consciously given
He looks at the dashboard clock and for the first and only time today, smiles.
It\'s set five and a half hours ahead
A subtle reminder of her