
Ascension Acclaimings

Tune: Llanfair

(\'Hail the day that sees Him rise\')

Acts 1 v.5-14 parts


Hail the great Ascension day - Alleluia!

Praise, honour to Christ alway - Alleluia!

Now returns to Father\'s throne - Alleluia!

But leaves us never alone - Alleluia!


Promised the Spirit to send - Alleluia!

To help spread gospel, He tends - Alleluia!

To us, He our constant guide - Alleluia!

In believer\'s hearts resides - Alleluia!


No marvel impossible - Alleluia!

He defies gravity\'s call - Alleluia!

Yet it not incredible - Alleluia!

He did rise from dead for all - Alleluia!


While the people did behold - Alleluia!

Christ ascended, be it told - Alleluia!

Taken up, a cloud received - Alleluia!

Him, they now by faith believed - Alleluia!


Two men said to them there nigh - Alleluia!

Why you still gaze to the sky? - Alleluia!

This same Jesus which is gone - Alleluia!

Shall return same way, God\'s Son - Alleluia!


They the Spirit awaited - Alleluia!

He not delayed, abated - Alleluia!

Few days hence, Pentecost came - Alleluia!

They did witness of His name - Alleluia!