Pearcemelville 兎敏

7 Siblings




All certified photons return to your own or nearest Higg\'s register station in preparation for despatch

You\'ve been emitted to travel a universe widening  an increasing separation of matter gravitionally unbound
in any two regions of the observable Cosmos  To
fathom out how such a system
affirms or declines
They postulate theories though still yet to find
Discarded methods of maths and philosophy 
Oh when shall we reveal the Theory of Everything

One day came when one photon landed  upon a packet 
held in the arms of a child
Angling back in a similar way
were frequential packets
of energy rays

littlereddy Oh from where did you depart?  leave that initial melded rainbow  your light~
filled womb that nourished
you during the cold dark
reaches of interstellar gloom?

I tried to peer out but it was not allowed so I waited and waited until a child came along  and as chance had it
I rebounded off the object he carried  an envelope 
I  joined an array that recorded an image of a vermilion and white coloured present called Hongbao



Peel away photons  to your designated Higg segment,
X until time is ripe to be
squeezed out and of your pulpous enclave and
squirted towards infinite distance for eternity

It is safe to assume that the
sine and cosine of your vibrating wave of particular property determines the tangent in which direction you\'ll immediately reach
universally recognized constant velocity

Taking to flight we soared through an empty contiuous vacuum  void of matter and dark as night  straight and true like arrows mum flew through strata of Gaian hues till she hit upon skin of a small sweet fruit namely Mandarin



《All frequencies alight 《forgive the pun》 in the dark quadrant of the Higg\'s sphere   discretely assimilate within your designated photon function  and we will soon be WaViNg ~~ you farewell!》

How they waved on their way without thought of where they will wander and wane,  with no way of knowing the when or the where nor if whatever  matter may unwaveringly scatter them emitting waves through the wake of their rayway

The day was upon this paternal photon when he rebounded from
a body of tanned complexion
A day had indeed come to divide this child from photonic parental protection

 The hidden shine of Tiger Eye ~ some blend of conservative dress   A rich indulgence in chocolate ~ or a cow patty 
fresh off the press

And OldYellowwhere did you  hail from?  What was the shade you emitted that day 
Engulfed by a muddy maelstrom?
I came from that ill thought of patty  though farmers and gardeners find rich in fertility  Humble in nature and broad in capacity  evidential reminder of bovine voracity


Pilbara Blade

Its a QuaNt.@ World!

《All PHOTONs repair {pardon the pun}  to the southwest region of your local Higg゛*s field  maintain static state and await Despatch》

How far they did fly without thought of direction with no way of knowing the when or the where nor if how they may break up by striking an object that happens to lie in their rayway  

The day did come when a photon arrived and Struck,
       a body that reflects
green frequency
Now was the time for green light to take flight on it\'s own,
to be torn from it\'s source of Purity

Pleaseplease don\'ttake little greenie away、my precious frequency、so dear to me
     I \'m afraid little greenie\'s assigned、for Reflection Duty today
Don\'t think of it  as losing a Child   
Little greenies may become Big Greenies、that\'s life in a way 

The humble lustre of Jade
Magnificent sparkle of Opal 
or Emerald 
A fool\'s delight in Prase 

So where did you come from OldGreenie?   What was the source that stripped you from purity、reflected you that Day?

     I came not from a Sparkling Emerald  nor from the lustre of Jade  but from a more meagre、  humble beginning 、a dusty green blade in the Pilbara Heat、lacking for Water and yearning for Shade


Light Despatchees  ~select
rays do gather by the Baleen
bulge of Higg

Ahem  I am as proud
as I hope you are  to be a
photon in a function that
will make history in
Directional Vectorfication
as long as all goes well and true this year
Flung to far reaches in
precise fashion we are 
heading to a particular
position within a Galaxy
which humans named 
The Milky Way

And as we pass between
the clouds or not  some of 
us may deviate just slightly
Others may diffract to form a rainbow circle
Still others will deflect as I
expect would be resultant
of a glancing angular trajectory
and shot back out to space
to find a new vocation

For those that make it through
  will reflect and right on cue
reveal the lucid blues of a wide and mighty OCEAN



Photon Alert ¿ collect inside the Higg Balloon and bounce around whilst preparatory flight procedures are updated,  rechecked and verified to confirm your slot in this prestigious
directional photon vectorfication

Oh they wait for you
We\'ve received the cue
The key to direct you-u
Across the universe until
You pass through azure blues
To fall upon a cotton garment
Handmade by artisans in a
Poor and rural Edo era clime

This garment which you speak of is worn beside the futon
You can see the silk=-like
Threads are showing through
A richness in such colour
Reminiscent of an ocean
A passifying palate of shades
Is made by repeated visitation
To a vat fillled concentration of a natural leaf dye called Indigo  {Persicaria Tintoria}



Its a QuaNt.@ World!

《All PHOTONs repair
  {excuze the pun}  to the lower hemisphere of your local Higg゛*s field 
practice flight
procedures within the boundary    and await Despatch》

How far they did verily zip through the ether at supreme velocity  no verification of where they were heading and veering so slightly when passing a Starry location by ubiquitous force of inherent attraction

The timing aligned when a photon arrived and Struck,
       a body that reflects
violet essence
Now was the time for violet light to take flight on it\'s own,
to be torn from it\'s source of Pureness

Pleaseplease don\'ttake little violet away、my beautiful essence、she fulfils my ray

     I \'m afraid little violet\'s assigned、for Refraction Duty today
Don\'t think of it  as losing an offspring, no longer confined to remain within the functional wave that your packet exists in
Violet may play out a new Volition    bestow to the world a purple perception
Perhaps attain status in a
Progressive rock album
Or in  ground breaking
revelation after striking
a Prism
She could be a part of Noble
or Frolic in play with 
teenage gothicism

Wherever her violet
wave may fly  and 
thought of her may
draw a tear from
your eye  
It could be that a
double arrangement with 
prismic precision
Could bring all of you