Thomasine Dye



No use in crying over spilt milk

No reason to dwell on old wounds

Pain is as fleeting as anything else

It will leave one day soon


They argue on their jar

Whether it’s half empty or full

While I hold shards of shattered glass

As blood around me pools


I’ve lost everything I loved

Denied the one thing I wanted

I am never to be whole

By my defect I am ever haunted


Some tell me I am lucky

To never worry of sickness or scares

Yet always I beg for a family

Every night in my weeping prayers


I was ruined before birth

Destroyed by cruel genetic chance

I cannot stand before Fate

It skewers me like a lance


I must stop this worthless mourning

And put on a passive smile

What does it matter if I’m broken?

That I’ll never have a child?