
Prayer Possibles

Tune: Langran

(\'Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face\')

John 16 v.23-24


Jesus said, Truly, truly unto you

I say, Whatsoever you shall ask true

What you shall ask the Father in my name

He will give it to you, the very same


Hitherto it is as you asked nothing

In my name, but your prayers now Father bring

Ask, and you shall receive, so that your joy

May be full, and that which none can destroy


It is not said, the how or where or when

Prayers shall be answered, but we trusting then

In Jesus\' word to us, it still abides

And His Spirit within us still us guides


The Spirit\'s help to us, to through us pray

Having done all we leave leave things to God\'s way

What may or may not be in all life\'s rhyme

Trusting all comes to pass in God\'s good time