

I remember when I was a teen,

what an awesome life it had been

We had many cool friends 

All trying the latest swag trends


During class hours we had a lot of fun

Boys with cool spikes and girls with messy buns

Boys dribbling around and smashing window glasses

Girls hovering in washrooms and bunking classes

We nicknamed teachers with funny names

And in turn they would punish and put us to shame

We played pen fights on tables and fought for chairs

During free lectures we played truth and dare

The popular girl would always spy on her crush

When her cool dude would pass, she would look around and blush

Those carefree, good old days will never return back 

I will forever cherish them till the very end..



May 2017

Does anyone miss their school days.. ? Well growing up is great feeling  but it sure does come with a lot of responsibilities and duties. Back in school, my parents would take care of everything and I only had the job of studying . However life isn’t the same now.. and I do miss my teen self..