
I Long For Yesterday

I Long For Yesterday


I miss the days of youth and innocence

When everything still smelled brand new

When being in love was so intoxicating

Every day was fresh cut grass and dew

Stress ran off like summer springs

Life came hard but we came harder

No matter what it seemed to deal us

We took it to the table to barter

We were resilient with health and strength

Whatever came, we rose to the occasion

We were invincible and life unconquerable

Until the years started their own invasion

Nothing is as clear and bright as it was

Our emotions may engage without reason

We can injure ourselves with just a move

Our bones and body now guilty of treason

Sleep and sex become a hit or miss affair

And that new car smell is long gone

And now all I do is long for yesterday

You’d think someone would write that song

Wait! What?