
The Sharing Spirit

Tune: Leibster Jesu

(\'Dearest Jesu, we are here\')

John 16 v.13-15


When the Spirit of truth, He

Is come He will guide you here, see

Into all truth, for He shall

Not speak of Himself, this know well

Not of His own authority

But what He hears of Christ, so be


Whatsoever He shall hear

Of Christ, that shall he speak, not fear

And He shall show you things to

Come, reveal them to your mind\'s view

He shall glorify Christ, for He

Shall show us of His things freely


For He shall receive the things

Of Christ, and to each one them brings

All things the Father has, see

Are Christ\'s, therefore He said, so be

The Spirit shall of Christ\'s things take

And show them to us for His sake