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A year

A complete year of your egress 
Everyday I lived with stress 
Missed you every time loved u every day
Your absence makes my soul fade away
The death may have separated loved ones
But the love grows day by day
Still feel your love inside heartbeats 
Your voice I hear in every Sunray
You alone there that\'s what I fear
Then I realise mom is also there 
Do tell her how I look
And take each other\'s care 
A gentle smile kisses my face 
Whenever I give ur pic a gaze
Sometimes the pain grows too hard
I make it melt by shedding tears
U too miss me every single second 
Don\'t worry for I have some dears
Though he seperated us for few hours
In sha Allah will unite for light years
A palace of paradise in progress
A complete year of ur egress. 
