Alexander Pope III

The Kargil Summer

All my life I was looking for peace and safety

But I am no match for someone who is shrewd and crafty

I was looking for connection and appreciation

Getting only phony and selfish relation

Then came the Kargil summer.

The city gives me the materialistic high

But I almost forgot the clear blue sky

For a moment when I see city lights, life does feel bright

But something inside me bite

Then came the Kargil summer.

In city daily I get bore

Tired of food and emotions impure

I am lucky as someone is always watching me over

Restraining me from giving an easy walkover

Telling me , you are no pushover

Then came the Kargil summer.

That Angel read me the following line

Explore, dream and discover, and you will be fine

A happy soul radiating more energy than the sun

A nanosecond with that angel is happiness and fun

So my travel story was spun

Then came the Kargil summer.

Mountain range with white snowcap

Joy forced me to clap

Angel told , Live not longer, but deeper

One can only glow if someone is a joy spreader

Don’t be content only with Mobile mountain wallpaper

Then came the Kargil summer.

The Mountain air comes from heaven

Birds there are poets sitting outside every tavern

Hills are neither station nor destination

They are the launchpad of imagination

Moving all travellers out of stagnation

Then came the Kargil summer.

Only heroes live on mountains no villain

With or without vermillion

Whenever they talk, walk, or even mock

It comes as a shock

How someone can be so full of love

Then came the Kargil summer.

At night mountains grow cold and silent

That’s the time for the traveller to repent

What use are relation

If one avoids them in every situation

Never a cause of your elation

Then came the Kargil summer.

The morning on the hill

Natural beauty with chill

Trees and birds spreading spiritual bliss

The happiness of the river , no-one want to miss

Everyone wants to continue watching this

Then came the Kargil summer.

A message on the phone

From someone helping me atone

A long chat satisfies my spirit’s hunger

I am one happy human with no anger

Unaware of location danger

Then came the Kargil summer.

Then my heart and body start to roll

Music of nature waking up my soul

My hired bike also gets spinning

Every day is a new beginning

Every picture is prizewinning

Then came the Kargil summer.

Now all my travel days are up

Now it’s my last teacup

My solitude is waiting for me back home

No Mountain tracks to roam

But still ‘Welcome Home’

Then came the Kargil summer.