

The sun shines for nothing

Because nobody wants the light

The flowers are all withering

Because the folks pass blindly by


The food is going a-wasting

Because a banquet we all crave

In life there are no banquets

Scraps and crumbs are daily fare


We build a world of fiction

We create our endless needs

This new world is a reflection

Of our self and of our greed

W’invent hope to feed illusions

We feed syrup to the soul


The hungry groan in vain

Because nobody feels their pain

The lonely weep in silence

Because nobody knows their name


The stranger stays a stranger

Because nobody knows his face

We keep chasing ghosts and shadows

As we yearn for happiness


Can we smell plastic flowers

Can emptiness fill the void

Can we hear the song of nature

If we are plugged to a cell phone

Can our hungry hearts be sated

With the image of a feast?


We search beyond the rainbow

We probe beyond the sky

We seldom pay attention

To the time that’s passing by




We bypass the rocky trails

Because we think that we can fly

We try to escape the journey

In our quest for what can’t be


Can we make human connections

When machine talks to machine?

Can we feel love and affection

From an image on a screen

Can the broken be made whole

In a world that has no soul?