a thousand wishes


I can still picture cars zooming past 

I remember wondering how long my fear would last 

I remember coming home and trying to win  

the fight going on inside of me,  


I can still hear his laugh and I can still see their smiles  

the things he did were vile  

So I let it go for a while  

I let it stack and pile 


I let go, but deep down held it in 

Until I felt it bubble up inside  

I felt it churn and spin  

I let it out , I could no longer hide 

I was torn apart from the inside  


I had a flashback - 

a panic attack  

It may have faded away ,  

but the wound is the price I pay 

The commotion died down , but I’m remembering now 


The cars were zooming past 

Everything happened so fast 

His hands were travelling  

While my mind was unravelling 

I stood still 


The air reeked of captivity and desperation 

He was held captive by his temptation 

There was no excuse but they all chalked it up to admiration  

I was shunned and pressured for an explanation 

Informed that it was my obligation to confine myself in isolation 


I can still hear his laugh and I can still see their smiles  

the things he did were vile  

So I let it go for a while  

I let it stack and pile 


I had a flashback