
Will we meet again?

Will we meet again?

The first time we met, you were a ball of fire chasing the wind.

Your mom called you over.

We were so shy.

You didn’t want to look at me.

I couldn’t look away.


Will we meet again?

I didn’t know to ask.

At night, you chased me in my dreams.

Who are you? I need to know.

Will we meet again?


The second time we met, you smiled at me and I couldn’t look away. 

My darling friend, thank you.

For the first time, it felt safe to be me.

When you touched me, I was on fire.

Burning bright with an eternal flame.

I loved you with my heart and soul.

And when you left me, I let fear rule.

Broken inside, I’m not what the world sees.


Will we meet again?

I don’t think so. And yet…

At night, I dreamed and dreamed.

Do you ever think of me?

Will we meet again?


The third time we met, you said hello and my knees went weak.

I know my heart skipped a beat.

How can it be possible, so much time has passed?

I still love you and I like you. (It’s not happy hour.)

There’s so much to ask and so much to say. (…but we ran out of time.)

I never meant to steal your peace.  

I wanted to be your angel and bring you joy.

Instead, I’m supposed to let you go.  (It’s not easy to say good bye.)

This time, I need to be strong. 


Will we meet again?

I think so; when will the stars align?

At night, I dream and dream.

We swing and laugh and dance.

Will we meet again?


Will we meet again?

I know you’re real; (I can still feel you.) 

At night, I dream and dream.

I’m real; (Can you still feel me?

Will we meet again?