
A Day at A Time

Tune: Fulda

(\'We have a gospel to proclaim\')

Based on a prayer by Reinhold Neibuhr.

The first two verses are called \'The Serenity Prayer\'.


God, grant me the serenity

That I accept the things, so be

That I cannot change, and grant too

Courage to change things, what [I can] to do


And wisdom to know the difference

Guidance of your Spirit sense

Living here one day at a time

Enjoying moments of life\'s rhyme


Accepting hardship as pathway

To peace, and light see each day

Taking as Jesus did this world

As it sinful to Him unfurled


To take he world, be as it is

Not my own will, my that an this

Trusting you will make all things right

As you wish them be in your sight


I surrender unto your will

So that my heart and mind be still

In you in this life, then above

Forever blessed in you, your love