Charles Edward York

The Warrior’s Refrain


One day when the silence comes
We will return to lay down all our guns
To honor the ones we call daughters and sons
With the warrior\'s refrain
Let peace and freedom ever reign.

All eyes have seen the tears
What every war demands is all too clear
Our mothers and fathers sacrifice what is dear
To ensure once again
That peace and freedom ever reign.

Battlefields covered in bloodshed
The last full measure devotion ever sees
At sea and in the air we see souls given so bravely
And disappear for all eternity.

One day when the silence comes
We will return to lay down all our guns
To honor the ones we call daughters and sons
With the warrior\'s refrain
Let peace and freedom ever reign.

Copyright © 2017 Charles Edward York
No part of this poem may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the author.*