baffled jelly

Holding on to letting go.

Versions of reality, incomprehensible irrelevance.

My third eye makes no sense. 

The counter of the truth is the moral of the story, 

Manifesting heroism came to steal the glory.

Fooled by the premise, told that I\'m special,

Gruel in the essence of reality disheveled.

Recollection comes with a ghost and a briefcase 

Making this a brief case of grief. 

Devastated isn\'t quite the word for the occasion.

My mind is invasive, enveloping my heart in abrasions.

Grasping at concepts that rattle inside me,

Persisting insomnia at battle with psyche.

Devoted to wake up and leave this behind me,

But when I turn around it\'s already behind me.

Insincere in my greatest efforts to you, 

Dont be fooled, I am cruel in solitude,

Aloof I\'m the mirror, across from myself,

Parallel is an overdue farewell.

Before I depart I want to look myself in the eyes and say, \"thank you, I never loved you\"

I left, never turning around, feintly heard,

Was the sound of a crushed soul echoing in the deepest chasm of my mind. 

Mortified by the loss of myself I weep,

Shrill cries without saying a word,

Until I forget why im screaming and fall into contempt. 

No longer distraught by my new found epiphany or the onslaught of my foundation.